Moft剛剛啟動了動態作品集的Kickstarter廣告系列 – iPad Tiles具有智能折疊,靈活的轉換為許多平板電腦支持位置,以不同的角度。在短時間內,該項目遠遠超過了最初的目標,到目前為止,該項目達到了動員資本的1575%。
- 材料:(描述外殼的材料,例如:高質量的PU皮革,耐用PC塑料,…)
- 兼容性:(指示兼容的iPad線)
- 保護功能:(描述保護iPad免於划痕的能力,影響)
- 調整角度:(可調角列表)
- 價格和交付時間:(有關價格和預期交貨時間的信息)
- 鏈接到Kickstarter頁面:(將鏈接連接到產品的Kickstarter頁面)
#moft #dynamicfolio #ipadcase #origami #kickstarter #smen #fidus
Moft首次亮相的iPad Case用折疊式折疊的支架
<img src="" /><br />Moft has launched a kickstarter for its Dynamic Folio, a family of iPad cases with a cover that can be folded into a variety of configurations to prop the attached tablet at different angles. The project is currently fully funded at 1575% of its goal as of press time.
<img src="" /><br />Moft has launched a kickstarter for its Dynamic Folio, a family of iPad cases with a cover that can be folded into a variety of configurations to prop the attached tablet at different angles. The project is currently fully funded at 1575% of its goal as of press time.
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帖子 Moft推出了一種多功能,折疊的iPad,例如摺紙藝術 首先出現 女王手機。
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